How Do You Increase the Bursting Strength of Textiles?

Textile companies strive to maintain and improve the quality of their products. One crucial aspect of textile quality is its bursting strength. This parameter measures the material’s ability to withstand pressure before breaking. This discussion explores the importance of bursting strength tests. We’ll look at the standards for the tests and ways to increase bursting strength.

Why is Bursting Strength Test Important?

Bursting strength tests are fundamental in assessing the durability and performance of textiles. This test is critical for materials that will be subject to significant stress. Examples include upholstery, industrial fabrics, and certain types of clothing. By determining the bursting strength, manufacturers can ensure their textiles meet quality standards. It also guarantees that the products can withstand everyday wear and tear. This enhances customer satisfaction and reduces the risk of product failure.



What is the ASTM Standard for Bursting Strength Tester?

The ASTM has established specific standards for testing textiles’ bursting strength. The most referenced standard is ASTM D3786. This standard outlines the procedures for performing hydraulic bursting tests on fabrics. It ensures consistency and accuracy in evaluating textile strength across different manufacturers. Also, accuracy in laboratories.

What is the ISO Standard for Bursting Strength of Paper?

The ISO provides guidelines for testing a paper’s bursting strength. The ISO 2758 standard specifies the method for determining this. It outlines how to use a hydraulic tester. This standard is vital for industries where paper quality and durability are paramount. Examples include textile, packaging and printing industries.

How to Check the Bursting Factor of Paper?

It’s important to check the bursting factor of paper when assessing its durability. It also assists in determining the quality. Here’s how to perform this test:

Sample Preparation

Sample preparation ensures the accuracy of the bursting factor test results. They should be representative of the entire batch of paper. Here’s a detailed look at how to prepare your samples:

  • The primary goal is to select samples that represent the entire batch of paper. This prevents biased results.
  • Use a random sampling technique to pick sheets from different parts of the batch. This involves taking samples from the top, middle, and bottom of paper stacks. It ensures variability.
  • The number of samples selected should be significant. For large batches, a higher number of samples provides a more accurate representation.
  • Ensure that the samples are free from visible defects. They should be free from tears, creases, or contamination. These defects can affect the test results.


Cut the samples to the dimensions specified by the relevant testing standard. ISO 2758 or TAPPI T403 standards provide common dimensions for paper testing.

  • Use precision cutting tools like rotary cutters or guillotines to ensure clean cuts. It also guarantees accuracy. This helps in maintaining uniformity across all samples.
  • Handle the samples to avoid introducing any extra stress or damage. If necessary, wear gloves to prevent oils or dirt from contaminating the paper.
  • label each sample with relevant information. This includes sample number, date of sampling, and any other pertinent details. This will help in tracking and referencing during the testing process.
  • Store the cut samples. This prevents them from bending, folding, or exposure to moisture. They should be in good condition and ready for testing.


Conditioning is a vital step in testing the bursting factor of paper. Proper conditioning ensures that testing the samples is under consistent and controlled conditions. This leads to reliable and reproducible results. Conditioning the samples stabilizes their moisture content for consistent and accurate testing results. Moisture content can affect the physical properties of paper, including its strength.

You can achieve reproducible results across batches of paper and different testing laboratories. It minimizes the variance in test results due to uncontrolled environmental factors. This leads to more reliable data that reflects the paper’s true properties.

Here’s how to condition your samples:

  • Conditioning happens in a controlled environment. Regulate temperature and humidity. This means maintaining a temperature of 23°C and a relative humidity of 50%.
  • These conditions follow international standards such as ISO 187 and TAPPI T402. These specify the standard atmosphere for preparing and conditioning paper samples.
  • Use climate-controlled chambers or rooms equipped with precise control systems. It aids in maintaining the required temperature and humidity levels.
  • Install hygrometers and thermometers to check the environmental conditions within the conditioning area. This ensures the correction of any deviations from the set parameters.


  • Place the samples in the conditioning environment immediately after cutting and labeling. Ensure that they are on a flat surface. Don’t stack them to allow uniform exposure to the controlled atmosphere.
  • Condition the samples for at least 24 hours. This duration ensures that the paper reaches equilibrium with the environment. It eliminates any residual stresses or moisture content variations from the manufacturing process.
  • Avoid handling the samples during the conditioning period. If you must handle them, use gloves to prevent contamination. It also minimizes physical stress on the samples.

  • Store in perforated racks or shelves for air circulation around the samples. This helps in achieving uniform conditioning across all parts of each sample.


Testing the bursting strength of paper helps in evaluating its durability. It also evaluates its resistance to pressure.

Bursting Strength Tester

Use a standardized bursting strength tester, known as the Mullen Burst Tester. This device measures the pressure required to burst a sample of paper. The test has a diaphragm that applies pressure to the paper sample. The hydraulic or pneumatic system generates the pressure applied to the diaphragm. 

The pressure gauge measures the pressure applied to the paper sample. Calibrate according to the manufacturer’s specifications before testing. Regular calibration is essential for obtaining accurate results.

Testing Procedure

  • Place the conditioned paper sample in the tester. Align the sample and ensure it’s free from wrinkles or folds.
  • Use the tester’s clamping mechanism to hold the sample in place. This prevents slippage and distributes the pressure across the sample.
  • Apply hydraulic or pneumatic pressure to the sample through the rubber diaphragm. Increase the pressure to avoid sudden bursts that could skew the results.
  • observe the sample as pressure is being applied. Note any signs of stress or deformation that occur before the sample bursts.
  • Continue applying pressure until the sample bursts. The point at which the sample ruptures is the critical measurement.
  • Record the most pressure applied before the burst occurs. This value is the bursting strength of the paper.
  • The bursting strength is measured in kilopascals (kPa) or pounds per square inch (psi). This depends on the testing standard.
  • Conduct many tests on different samples from the same batch. This delivers a reliable average bursting strength value. It reduces the impact of any anomalies or inconsistencies in individual samples.
  • Document all test results. It should include the date of testing, specific conditions, and other observations. Maintaining detailed records aids in quality control and traceability.
  • Analyze the recorded data to determine the bursting strength of the paper batch. Compare the results against industry standards. Also compare specific requirements to assess compliance and quality.


The bursting factor of paper enables you to understand if it can withstand pressure. It also helps in assessing its strength and quality. Here’s how to calculate this important metric:

Determine Bursting Factor

  • The bursting strength is the largest pressure the paper can withstand before bursting. Measurement takes place in the testing phase.
  • The basis weight of the paper is measured in grams per square meter (g/m 2). It refers to the weight of a ream (500 sheets) of paper cut to a standard size.
  • To find the bursting factor, divide the bursting strength by the paper’s basis weight. This process converts the raw measurements into a dimensionless number. It indicates the paper’s ability to withstand pressure.
  • Consider standard compliance to ensure the accuracy and reliability of results. Ensure the test aligns with industry standards such as ISO 2758 or TAPPI T403. Conduct tests on many samples from the same batch of paper. This approach helps to account for any variations within the batch. It ensures that the average bursting factor is representative of the entire lot.
  • Calculate the average bursting factor from the many test results. It helps to get a more accurate and reliable measurement. This reduces the impact of any outliers or anomalies present in individual samples.
  • Calibrate the bursting strength tester according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Also follow the industry standards. Calibration ensures that the equipment provides precise and accurate measurements.
  • Maintain and check the condition of the testing equipment. This includes inspecting the rubber diaphragm for wear and tear. This ensures that the hydraulic or pneumatic systems are functioning. It also helps verify that the pressure gauge is accurate.

How to Increase the Bursting Strength of Paper?

Increasing the bursting strength of paper guarantees high-quality and durable paper products. 

Here are several strategies you can use to enhance the bursting strength:

  • Use premium-grade cellulose fibers from sources like hardwood and softwood. These fibers provide better bonding and result in stronger paper.
  • Incorporate additives such as starch, guar gum, or synthetic polymers. These help improve fiber bonding and increase strength. Additives can also enhance other properties like printability and smoothness.
  • Optimize the refining process to improve fiber fibrillation. This involves adjusting the intensity and duration of refining. It helps achieve better fiber bonding without damaging the fibers.
  • Maintain consistent refining conditions to ensure uniform paper quality. Variations in refining can lead to weak spots and inconsistent strength.
  • Apply sizing agents such as rosin to improve the paper’s resistance to water. It also enhances its strength. Sizing creates a more cohesive fiber network.
  • Use strengthening agents, such as wet-strength resins and dry-strength resins. These agents enhance the internal bond strength of the fibers.
  • Put in place cross-linking agents that form chemical bonds between fibers. This provides more strength and durability.
  • Use proper drying techniques to ensure even drying and prevent weak spots. Uneven drying can make areas of the paper more brittle and prone to bursting.
  • Check and control moisture levels throughout the drying process. Gradual and controlled drying helps maintain the integrity of the paper structure.
  • Maintain a consistent basis weight across the entire production batch. Variations in basis weight can cause fluctuations in strength. This can lead to weaker sections of the paper.
  • Apply rigorous quality control measures. This checks and adjusts the basis weight during production. Automated systems can provide real-time feedback and adjustments.
  • Use a blend of different types of fibers to achieve a balance of properties.
  • Apply mechanical treatments like calendering to compress and smooth the paper. This enhances fiber bonding and contributes to increased strength.
  • Consider multi-ply construction. It involves combining different layers of paper to enhance strength. Each layer contributes specific properties.

How Do You Determine the Bursting Strength of Packaging Material?

Here is how to determine the bursting strength of packaging material.

  • Choose samples that represent the quality of the packaging material. This selection includes samples from different parts of the production batch. It helps to account for any variations.
  • The number of samples selected should be significant to ensure reliable results. Larger batches need more samples for an accurate assessment. Ensure that the samples are free from visible defects such as tears and creases. Contamination can affect the results.
  • Condition the samples in a standardized environment to ensure consistent moisture content. This step is crucial for accurate and consistent results.
  • Use climate-controlled chambers or rooms with precise control systems. This helps to maintain the required conditions. Devices like thermometers should check the environment.
  • Use a standardized bursting strength tester, such as the Mullen Burst Tester. This measures the pressure required to burst packaging materials.
  • Choose samples that represent the quality of the packaging material.
  • Record the bursting strength readings, ensuring they meet industry standards.

How to Choose a Bursting Strength Testing Machine?

Selecting the right bursting strength testing machine ensures accurate, reliable, and consistent results.


Here are key factors to consider when choosing a bursting strength tester:

  • The machine should offer high precision in its measurements. This ensures that the results are reliable and repeatable. Look for models with advanced sensors and calibration features.
  • Consistency across many tests is essential. The machine should produce the same results under identical conditions. This minimizes variations and errors.
  • Ensure that the machine complies with relevant industry standards. These include ASTM D774/D774M and ISO 2758. These standards specify requirements for the testing process and equipment accuracy.
  • Choose machines that have certification indicating their adherence to these standards. This helps maintain the credibility and acceptability of the test results.
  • The machine should have an intuitive interface. This allows users to operate it with minimal training. Features like touch screens, clear displays, and straightforward controls enhance usability.
  • Consider the amount of training required to operate the machine. Machines with comprehensive user manuals and training programs are helpful.
  • Consider machines that come with software integration for data analysis, recording, and reporting. This can simplify the process of managing and interpreting test results.
  • The machine should be durable to withstand frequent use and harsh operating conditions. Materials like stainless steel and high-quality polymers contribute to durability.
  • Invest in a machine known for its long operational lifespan. Durable machines reduce the need for frequent replacements and repairs. This saves costs in the long run.
  • Consider the machine’s maintenance needs. Opt for models that need minimal maintenance and have easy-to-replace parts.
  • Choose a supplier known for providing reliable technical support and customer service. This includes help with installation, troubleshooting, and regular maintenance.
  • Look for machines that come with a comprehensive warranty and offer service plans. It ensures that you have access to necessary repairs and support without more costs.
  • Manufacturers should provide ample training resources. This can be manual guides, video tutorials, and on-site training sessions.
  • Determine your budget. Look for machines that offer the best value within your price range. More expensive models often come with advanced features. But, there are cost-effective options that still meet essential requirements.
  • Consider the long-term benefits and potential return on investment.
  • Ensure the machine can handle the range of pressures you expect to test. Some machines can handle low-pressure applications. Others can handle higher pressures suitable for heavier packaging materials.
  • Verify that the machine can accommodate the size of the samples you need to test. This includes both the dimensions and thickness of the materials.
  • If you need the equipment to be portable, look for models that are compact and easy to move. Portable machines are beneficial for field testing. You can also use them when testing needs to occur at different locations.

How to Improve the Bursting Strength of Textiles?

To enhance the bursting strength of textiles, consider these strategies:

  • Use high-quality, long-staple fibers with excellent tensile strength.
  • Optimize the weave or knit pattern to enhance strength and durability.
  • Apply finishing treatments that increase the strength of the fabric.
  • Put in place stringent quality control measures throughout the production process.
  • Invest in advanced technologies and machinery that improve the manufacturing process.


Improving the bursting strength of textiles is vital for ensuring product durability. It also improves customer satisfaction. Textile manufacturers can use the tests to enhance the quality. They can also check the performance of their products. Investing in the right testing equipment helps increase competitiveness in the textile industry.


For more information on textile testing methods/standards
or textile testing machines, contact us:
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