Dry Rate Tester

SmartDry Dry Rate Tester also called the Textile Moisture Tester,  is used to test dry clothes’ fabric quickly. This drying test machine has precise temperature and wind speed sensors. It also has precise water-dripping devices. These tools quickly mimic human sweating and determine how fast textiles dry.

The fan is designed to blow air across the fabric. It makes the wind more even and smooth. This can restore the natural evaporation process and improve test results. It is mainly used for quick-drying fabrics, such as sportswear and underwear.

The SmartDry Dry Rate Tester is a smart tool for fabric drying tests. It can connect to the SmartTexLab app on a smartphone through Wi-Fi. So, the parameters can be set remotely, and the fabric drying test can be watched. This greatly improves working efficiency. This Dry Rate Tester applies to the AATCC 201 standard.