Smart Martindale Abrasion and Pilling Tester (IoT / German-Engineered)

Traditional Martindale Abrasion and Pilling Tester force labs into tedious manual calibration and ​error-prone data tracking — requiring constant adjustments and handwritten logs.

ChiuVention’s solution: The Martindale Abrasion and Pilling Tester eliminates these pain points with ​calibration-free operation (via digital Lissajous algorithms) and ​real-time smartphone-controlled testing. Switch between abrasion/pilling tests instantly (no pin changes), while IoT integration auto-logs data to ERP systems.

Built to endure 10 million+ cycles, its flip-cover design streamlines workflows, trusted by French labs and compliant with 20+ international standards, including ISO 12945-2-2020 and ASTM D4970/4970M-22.